AI-Jesus Comes to Your Church
Okay, YOU HAVE TO watch this interesting/crazy piece about AI-powered digital faith assistants reported by Deutsche Welle.
Imagine entering a Catholic confessional and confessing your sins or asking questions to AI-generated Jesus! I am not kidding. Only 2 minutes long, watch it here.
Prof. Dr. Inken Prohl (Heidelberg Uni) has a short piece on “Religion und Künstliche Intelligenz” (Religion and Artificial Intelligence). It is in German but you can - ironically - use AI to translate it into English. The punch line is
“The questions regarding the interactions between religion and artificial intelligence can be divided into two main areas: AI and religion, and AI as religion.”
Muslim-AI vs. Christian-AI - Yes, Really!
It gets weird and interesting when some programmers created a debate between a Muslim-AI and a Christian-AI which was adjudicated by a (supposedly) neutral-AI. It was fascinating to see them debate the divinity of Jesus and the Trinity.
In effect, it is possible to outsource apologetics to AI. Imagine creating a database of the best apologists of church history, from Justin to William Lane Craig, and using its content to defend the Christian faith. Not impossible, whether it is beneficial or effective, well that’s another matter.
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Nuns Go Viral
In more positive news, some nuns have taken to TikTok and Instagram in a big, big way. You have to check this out.