President Joe Biden said in his first press conference as president, “It is clear, absolutely clear … that this is a battle between the utility of democracies in the 21st century and autocracies.”
There is currently an alliance between the autocracies of China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea. Russia’s war in Ukraine is being prosecuted with material, weapons, technology, diplomatic support, money, and people from the partner nations. Plus, there is a lower tier of allies, albeit with varying degrees of support and cooperation, including Myanmar, Venezuela, Cuba, Yemen, Syria, South Africa, and Brazil.
The fact is that America and its allies have lost the initiative in this new Cold War.
Amercia and the EU are too divided on immigration, energy, and trans-rights to be able to focus on foreign policy, even foreign threats. America and the EU are constantly on the back foot, reacting to autocratic aggression, rather than applying pressure on them, sowing seeds of disunity among them, and executing a long-term plan for containment.
Liberal democracies are losing the war on every front - economics, military technology, territorial advancement - against autocracies.
America, the supposed leader of the free world, is beset with bitter division over the integrity of its democracy, and the very nature of liberalism, with Republicans and Democrats prone to authoritative responses to the internal crises.
Moreover, as British historian Niall Ferguson points out, “A great power which spends more on debt than on its military doesn’t stay a great power for long.” (HT: Greg Sheridan)
Below is a great video from the Caspian report about the making of a new anti-American global order. I commend it to you as it is an informative watch!
But what should Christians think about this age of democracies versus autocracies?