Free Webinar on Autism and Christian Parenting
Hi everyone, this Tuesday 13 April, 7:30 p.m. Melbourne time (AEST) I will be hosting a panel featuring Naomi Bird (Assistant Children’s minister St. Alfred’s) and Louise Griffiths (Student Support Educator, Mount Evelyn Christian School) to talk about Autism and Christian parenting.
Note, the session is not a medical webinar on treatment plans for people on the autism spectrum. It is not going to announce the one true way of parenting children with autism. It is not going to answer all your questions about autism that you might need to ask a pediatrician about.
What the webinar is aspiring to do is:
Raise awareness about autism.
Share experiences of parenting children on the autism spectrum.
Suggest ways that churches can care for families with a child on the autism spectrum.
Draw attention to the area of theology, disability, church, and pastoral care.
Here’s the link to the webinar.
If the time zone doesn’t work for you, it is going to be recorded, but you need to register to get sent a link to the recorded video.
Otherwise, I would recommend two books to you:
Grant Macaskill, Autism and the Church
David Duel and N. John, Disability in Mission