Do you need more Mike Bird in your life? Maybe 3-6 emails are week are not enough. If that is you, then below find a bunch of recent lectures, sermons, and podcasts I’ve done of late.
I have recorded a series of 12 short lectures on Romans, part of the “Ridley Certificate,” written for lay people, that you can do as an individual or as part of a group. In fact, I know several church groups who are already doing this course and are enjoying it immensely!
Speaking of Romans, Nijay Gupta and I recorded an episode on Romans 12:1-15:13 for The Two Testaments podcast.
In the Ridley Chapel, I preached a sermon on Psalm 119. Ever wondered what Dwight Schrute from The Office and the Torah have in common? Well, you’ll have to listen to find out!
At St. Bart’s Anglican church in Toowoomba, I also did a sermon on Philippians 4:1-8 on “Being Human: A Rational Mind!”
I also had the pleasure of being interviewed by Preston Sprinkle at Theology in the Raw on “Why Secularism is Good for Christianity.”
Sean McDowell interviewed me about “Jesus vs. Roman gods” for his vodcast on apologetics.
Over at the Acton Institute, I wrote on Threats to Religious Freedom in Australia. I conclude:
Australia prides itself on being the land of the fair-go for everyone. The Australian ethos is one of mateship, and there is an innate dislike for bullying behavior. However, gaps in the Australian constitution, uneven protections for religious freedom across the states, the inability or unwillingness of federal governments to legislate a comprehensive suite of religious freedom protections, and some prevailing social hostility toward people of faith mean that the religious freedom situation in Australia, while not dire, is certainly becoming precarious.
I was also privileged to do a public lecture in Toowoomba on “Does Australia have a Religious Freedom Problem?” The answer is, yes, there are gaps in our laws when it comes to religious freedom.
Is there a recording for the undeceptions conference?