Hi everyone, here is the latest Ask N.T. Wright Anything episode on YouTube and podcast.
What did first-century Jews believe about resurrection? Tom responds to William Lane Craig’s argument that individual resurrections weren’t expected before the End Times. He unpacks how Jesus’ resurrection differs from all others, marking the beginning of God’s new creation.
Also, what makes someone an ‘Apostle’? The discussion explores Paul’s apostleship, the fluid roles of teachers, prophets, and elders, and the importance of apostolic succession in church leadership.
Check out my video for Logos on What Does It Mean to “Render to Caesar”? | Michael Bird on Matthew 22:21 and over at the Acton Institute my review of Patrick Schreiner’s book on The Transfiguration of Christ.
If you have never heard of the Apocalypse of Pseudo-Methodius it is very interesting for Byzantine and early Middle Ages eschatology about Islam, the Anti-Christ, and the End of Days.