Hi everyone, this week at Word from the Bird I’ll be sending you:
Monday: Adolf Deissmann on Paul and His Religion (Subscribers)
You probably haven’t heard of Adolf Deissmann, but he was a significant historian and theologian of the early twentieth century. He was the one who showed the relevance of papyri and inscriptions for the study of the New Testament. I found an interesting quote from him about Paul and his “religion.”
Wednesday: Domestic Violence and the Church: What You Can Do! (Free sign-ups)
The greatest threat to women in our churches is not passive-aggressive men, radical feminism, or CRT. Intimate partner violence is an epidemic and churches are not immune. Always stuff to learn, plus an exciting opportunity from Ridley College to learn about how to minister to victims of domestic and family violence.
Friday: Judaisms or Judaism (Free Sign Ups)
We all know that ancient Judaism was diverse, but does that justify using the nomenclature “Judaisms” in the plural? I point out what some scholars think!
Saturday: Studying the New Testament with Inscriptions (Free sign-ups)
Building on the Adolf Deissmann theme from Monday, I thought I’d add a review of Clint Burnett’s book Studying the New Testament through Inscriptions.