This Week in Word from the Bird
Paul within Judaism. Reading 1 Timothy in Light of the Artemis Cult. Podcasts and Promos. My Visit to Colossae.
I’m having fun on holidays doing mini-gulf, going for bush walks, river swims, cooking paella, and made a few videos. But this week is going to be a contra mundum (against the world) kind of week where I offer critiques of both Matt Novenson on Paul within Judaism and Mike Winger on Complementarianism.
Monday: Paul within Judaism by Matt Novenson: Review - Part 1 (Free Sign-Ups)
Matthew Novenson’s latest book is a terrific read, including chapters that are convincing, some which are thought-provoking, and others which I’d vigorously contest. There’s much in this book to like, but first up I’m going to focus on the part I disagreed with the most, “Who said justification is from works of the law?” With accompanying video for members of the Aviary.
Tuesday: Mike Winger on 1 Timothy 2:11-15 - Part 1 (Aviary Members)
I’m continuing my series responding to elements of Mike Winger’s case for Complementarianism, specifically, his reading of 1 Tim 2:11-15. I critique Winger’s four main points in reading this disputed passage. The full 90 minute video will be available free to all on YouTube on 20 Jan.
Hey, consider becoming a member of the Aviary for the new year, get early access, exclusive material, and premium content!
Wednesday: Podcasts, Lectures, and Study Bibles (Free Sign-Ups).
Some promos of my involvement in the Ask N.T. Wright Anything re-launch, a Seminary Now course on New Testament Christology, and my contribution to the Upside Down Study Bible.
Thursday: Reading 1 Timothy 2:11-15 in the Shadow in the Artemision (Aviary Members)
Here is my lengthy analysis of 1 Timothy 2:11-15 contra Mike Winger. I try to show what it means to read 1 Timothy in the context of Ephesus, in light of the cult of Artemis, against those (like Winger) who dismiss its relevance for interpreting the text. The full 90 minute video will be available free to all on YouTube on 20 Jan.
Friday: Paul in Ancient Colossae (Aviary Members)
"I love Paul's letter to the Colossians - it's what would happen, I imagine, if Galatians and Ephesians had a baby ... I love Colossians. It's got Christology so high, the only place you can legally buy it is in Denver, Colorado."