Monday: Why We Need an Ecumenical Council on Anthropology (Free Sign-Ups)
What does it mean to be a human person? It would seem that some of the most ferocious debates of our age, about “identity,” autonomy, the soul, biology, and more are hotly contested. So I wonder whether we need a modern day ecumenical council on the human person.
Tuesday: Exalted Angels and Subordination in Phil 2:6-11 (Free Sign-Ups)
This episode examines Philippians 2:6-11 and whether the exaltation of Jesus in vv. 9-11 is derivative of the exaltation of angels in Jewish literature and whether a subordinationist christology is implied.
Wednesday: Why Secularism Only Works in Christianized Countries (Free Sign-Ups)
For secularism to work, you need Christianity and expressive individualism rather than tribalized or sectarian identities. This is precisely why “secularism” doesn’t work in countries that do not have those things. It explains too why secularism is waning in Türkiye and India.
Friday: An Ode to America as Utopian Dystopia (Paid Subscribers)
America has the lure of being the centre of the world - politically, commercially, creatively - it is the “room where it happens.” Because of America’s demographics and history, being a biblical scholar is a noble profession, there are big churches, major seminaries, and universities with religion departments. If you want to change the world, you need to set up shop in America at some point. The thing is that America is a Dystopian Utopia.