Monday: Will Christianity Die Out by the End of this Century? (Free Sign-Ups)
For the most part, I think we are seeing a pruning of cultural Christianity which is literally dying off with the Baby Boomers in places like America and Australia.
Tuesday: How (Not) to Find Yourself (Free Sign-Ups).
Watch/listen to the vodcast/podcast of my interview with my Ridley Colleague Dr. Brian Rosner about his book How To Find Yourself.
Wednesday: Christians Should Read Josephus! (Free Sign-Ups)
The Princeton scholar James Charlesworth once said that he had inherited the libraries of five pastors who had either retired or passed away, and in every single one of them was a copy of Wiliam Whiston’s translation of Josephus. You too should read Josephus!
Friday: Why "Orthodox" is better than "Conservative" (Paid Subscribers)
Yes, you’re evangelical, but are you a “conservative evangelical”? Why I think “conservative” is a bad adjective for evangelical and why I think “orthodox” is a much better one!