Monday: Sandra Glahn on Artemis of the Ephesians (Free Sign-Ups)
What if I told you that everything you knew about Artemis of the Ephesians was wrong? Well, Sandra Glahn has set out to show that there is more to Artemis than you read in your standard study Bible and its important for understanding 1 Timothy 2
Tuesday: Cast Blast (Paid Subscribers)
In a 10-minute audio cast where I (1) respond to Aimee Byrd’s response to my advice to egalitarians in a complementarian church; (2) Talk about why I love teaching the Gospel of Matthew; and (3) Mention books by Simon Gathercole and Tom Holland.
Wednesday: Advice for Complementarians in Egalitarians Churches (Free Sign-Ups)
The second of a two-part series on advice for egalitarians and complementarians when attending a church that does not share their view of women and ministry.
Thursday: New Birds of a Feather Episode (Free Sign-Ups)
In this episode of BOAF, Aimee and I discuss women as pastors in light of the recent SBC decision and Mike warns of the danger of valuing “conservatism” over “orthodoxy.”
Friday: Roman Attitudes Towards Sexual Assault (Paid Subscribers)
I know this is a terrible topic, but I think we need to know something about sexual violence in antiquity in order to understand the revolution brought into Roman culture by the advent of Christianity.