Monday: The Story of My Books # 12 - Evangelical Theology (Free Sign-Ups)
Book #12 was Evangelical Theology, what I regard as my singularly greatest contribution to Christian thought, and my personal favourite out of all my books.
Wednesday: The Death of Queen Elizabeth II and the Ghost of Christian Nationalism (Free Sign-Ups)
How can I warn about the perils of “civil religion” or “Christian nationalism” when my own denomination is a product of the religious paraphernalia of the British Empire?
Thursday: Three Ridley College Sermons (Free Sign-Ups)
I have the pleasure of serving at Ridley College in Melbourne with some truly exceptional Christian leaders. I thought I’d share with you a sample of some of the great things we get in our chapel with three sermons preached a few weeks ago that I thought were just terrific.
Friday: The Cross and the Kingdom (Paid Subscribers)
There is the old adage that Jesus proclaimed the kingdom, but later, the church proclaimed Jesus, specifically, his cross. For some, the pre-Easter ministry of Jesus and the post-Easter message of the apostles amounts in effect to two different religions. But that apparent disparity is pretty thin!