Monday: Why did “Orthodox” Christianity Win? (Subscribers)
"The victory of orthodoxy was thus also a ‘majority decisions’: the followers of the heretics were numerically outnumbered; orthodoxy, easily comprehended by the masses, constituted the ‘Great Church.’”
Wednesday: The Christmas Story: Mercy in the Manger (Free Sign-ups).
I’ve been reading a lot through Luke 1-2, partly for a book I’m writing, but also because it is the advent season. One thing I’ve been struck by is the big emphasis on “mercy” in Luke 1.
Friday: Maybe Christianity Has a Feminine Feel? (Free Sign-Ups).
Simone Richardson once said, “In order to follow Christ, believers must become somewhat feminine. We respond to Christ as a wife responds to her husband - in obedient submission. There is no room in the church for alpha male types. Christ fulfils this role. He is our alpha.”