Monday: The Christian Case for Universal Healthcare (Free sign-ups)
The COVID pandemic has brought the issue of healthcare to the forefront of debate again. In this post I explain what universal healthcare is, why I think it is a genuinely good thing, and a Christian thing. If you’re skeptical, that’s fine, just give me a fair hearing!
Tuesday: Debunking Jesus Mythicism (Paid Subscribers)
Okay, I’m in the process of launching a podcast/vodcast called “Nazareth to Nicaea” about the Jesus of history and the Christ of faith. Will come out next year. Here is a special sneak peek for subscribers on the first audio episode, engaging the topic of Jesus mythicism! THIS IS GONNA BE GOOD!
Wednesday: Political Evangelicals (Free sign-ups).
According to the Pew Research Center, more white Americans adopted than shed the evangelical label during Trump's presidency, especially among his supporters. What is up with that? And is it a good thing? I’m doing my best to retain the title “evangelical,” but the Americans are making it hard!
Friday: Should I Put Pronouns in my Bio? (Paid Subscribers)
A recent trend is to put one’s preferred personal pronouns in one’s social media bio, or else to state one’s personal pronouns before addressing a public gathering. I understand why this is important to many people, but there is a side to this pronoun advertising game that deeply concerns me.