Monday: The Story of my Books #14 - The Gospel of the Lord (Free Sign-Ups)
Book #14 was a book about how the Gospels got made: The Gospel of the Lord: How the Early Church Wrote the Story of Jesus (2014). This book won the Christianity Today Book of the Year Award for biblical studies in 2015.
Tuesday: A Better Complementarianism? Review by Andrew Bartlett (Free Sign-Ups)
In this short book, the authors want to help churches put complementarianism into practice in a way that they believe is healthier and more biblically faithful. It is clear and well-written. I found it fascinating, because of its unintended effect: it lays bare the difficulty of reconciling complementarianism with a coherent understanding of Scripture and exposes the empty space at its centre.
Wednesday: The Thrill of Orthodoxy (Free Sign-Ups)
I had the pleasure of reading, endorsing, and then reviewing Trevin Wax’s new book The Thrill of Orthodoxy: Rediscovering the Adventure of Christian Faith (2022).
Thursday: Remembering Gordon Fee (Free Sign-Ups)
Gordon Fee was perhaps one of the important evangelical biblical scholars in the latter half of the twentieth century. He ranks up there with F.F. Bruce and Howard Marshall as trailblazers who showed that evangelicals could be world leaders in New Testament exegesis.
Friday: Tim Keller on the Decline and Renewal of the American Church - Part 2 (Paid Subscribers)
I’m still reading Tim Keller’s essays on The Decline and Renewal of the American Church, some of which is very American specific, but much of it also translates into the wider Christian world.