Mike, you seem to jump quite quickly from Socialism to Communism in this article! They're not really the same, are they?

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Simon, try they are not the same, there is Democratic Socialism. I do point out that there is a tradition of Christian Socialism.

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Thanks, it's often said that the Labour movement and trade unionism in Britain owed more to Methodism than to Marx. I don't know if you ever came across Bob Holman during your time in Scotland but he wrote an accessible biography of Keir Hardie stressing the role of Christianity in the life of the founder of the British Labour Party.

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If one reads the Creation accounts, total depravity is no where to be seen. Yes, we are capable of horrible things, but to believe in total depravity ( as close as I can come is a former president, whose popularity might be a case for total depravity!) simply isn't on order.

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Was Marx a Satanist? I just finished a book that made a strong case that he was?

Karl Marx and the Satanic Roots of Communism

By Richard Wurmbrand

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Another book on brutality behind the iron curtain is The White Pill by Michael Malice.

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