“Basement of quiet piety,” love this phrase! Bravo!

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The tension that freedom creates with order is a tricky balance. All the more a challenge when self-government (as proposed by Christianity called self-control) isn’t at the heart of all just societies. Paul’s conversation with Felix, where Luke remembers Felix responded out of fear with the words, “enough!” as Paul talked about righteousness, self-control and the judgment. Not a popular political message for sure!

Someone said, and I can’t remember who, the government that is closest to the people is the best form of government. That would make self-governance (self-control, which is a fruit of the spirit) one of the most important ways of keeping order within the context freedom. It doesn’t solve everything, but it is a better start than totalitarianism which looks to control from the top down.

This message is definitely has something to say to the corporate leaders and those that work for them.

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