Thank you for this guest post. I included Bartlett’s book as required reading in my new online course, Theology of Women Academy.

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I broadly agree with the assessment of these reviews. Having read the book and found it very helpful and well balanced in what is normally such a partisan discussion I went looking for reviews hoping to find some constructive engagement with some of the specific points the book raises. But these reviews were so frustrating for the points you make. I was particularly disappointed by DA Carson's who I normally find so fair and clear minded. His, albeit brief response, seemed to completely misrepresent what I found so often to be a careful and judicious weighing up of evidence and strength of argument with the explicit goal of arriving at a conclusion.

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Bartlett's logic is a balm to my embattled mind as I face deeply held beliefs and ideologies on this issue of women. I also have something I would like to add to his discussion on Ephesians 5. Michael, it would be an honor if you would read my linked blog post titled "To A. Bartlett by way of a Bird" and pass it along to Andrew. Thank you.


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Maybe it’s the sunk cost fallacy writ large?

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Why is so much time and energy being spent on this 'argument' ...?

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