Having been disabled now 34 years since I was 38 years old by an inherited disease, it was most comforting to read your words. Recently it has taken my ability to speak intelligibly and being a classically trained tenor, my singing voice is all but gone.

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Hi Stan, glad to provide comfort mate!

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Thanks for this great post! I love the attitudes and underpinnings of the approach you have presented here. My immediate question would be... how? How to do this in practice? Mike Glenn had a nice article about it, suggesting the creation of "wrap-around families" (https://scotmcknight.substack.com/p/wrap-around-families). This is wonderfully practical and inspired. Now, when it comes to church life, a few parents of kids with special needs I know would seem to identify with the frustrations expressed in this article: https://thelampmagazine.com/blog/are-all-welcome. The how is very challenging, especially with disabilities that involve what you could call "church-disruptive" behavior—and I haven't seen a church that's properly suited for this. Thanks again for the post!

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