Thank you for expanding my horizon on this. I've been reading N. T. Wright's The Challenge of Jesus. He points out how Jesus was critical of the groups that focused on God restoring Israel (Make Israel Great Again), and wanted them to be an example for the nations, to be the light of the world, to forgive 70 x 7.

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Wright's Challenge book is the one I recommend to beginners!

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Excellent book, but challenging to someone who doesn't have a Biblical/theological background, I think. I've been incorporating some of it into sermons, and we're using Wright's Mark for Everyone to work our way through the book of Mark. I like the lectionary (Revised Common) because it keeps me from ridding my pet themes, but it lets some of the narrative thread get lost, while keeping the overall framework.

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Franklin, that's a wise approach, God bless you in your ministry!

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Have you interacted with Dr Jason Staples work in Paul and the Resurrection of Israel? He has an interesting perspective on the issue that raises a few questions and challenges.

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Staples came to my mind with this post as well.

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Thank you MB for your helpful intro & suggestions for further reading on our Lord's Jewish & Gentile N.C. salvation mission for the last days. There seems to be only one people of God (all one joined in the one body-bride-temple of God, believing Jew & Gentile in Messiah Yeshua-regenerated, baptised & filled by his Holy Spirit), the Israel of God (combining in particular apostle Paul's teaching in Gal-Eph-Ro & Peter's 1st letter re: holy nation). P.S.: thank you all for your stimulating comments.

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Can you expound a bit more on what you’re concluding vis a vis Romans 11? Are you saying that Jewish eschatology was done with with Jesus’ work to the gentiles? This is fascinating to me.

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