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I think Susan Eastman has it correct. Paul is discussing in Galatians the attempt by Judaizers to make salvation contingent upon circumcision, and in 6.16 he reaches the climax of the new creation. Then he, I believe, asks for mercy on Israel, meaning ethnic Israel, who are perpetuating what Paul is correcting. Why ask for mercy on the church in general here? It's ethnic Israel that needs the mercy!

I am not a dispensationalist. But I believe we have the church, made up of both Jews (those saved from within ethnic Israel) and gentiles, and together they are the church, the one ultimate family Jesus is building. However, I believe God does have some further plans for national ethnic Israel, that primarily centers on them accepting Christ as their Messiah.

Israel, IMO, is the name of the ethnic Jewish nation, not in any way the name of the church.

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