Thanks Dr. Bird for this devotional! Your a great teacher and have helped me think deeper. I always liked how you are very well balanced on different angles and viewpoints. Overtime I’ve been learning how to appreciate viewpoints from different traditions and especially the church fathers etc. I’m from Reformed Baptist which tends shy away from learning from anyone else outside there own Calvinist/Reformed/Puritan leaning tribe. Overtime I’ve learned that that be can unhealthy in my spiritual growth. From the USA 🇺🇸. Keep writing !!

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My pleasure to help, thanks for the encouragement.

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If you have ears. Use them. Once that’s solved do what the Word of God says.

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Thanks Dr. Bird. Beware that this in total disagreement with the American gospel. You may get canceled! 😉

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Oh, I've been cancelled many times.

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Thank you for making an important, but often overlooked, point. The Gospel is to be both believed and obeyed, although most of us fail reach that goal perfectly or literally. The effort continually improves us, however, and makes us better than we would be – which is why we are instructed in Hebrews 12:1-3 to "...run with perseverance the race marked out for us". Though we may never "win" the race, it is running the race to the finish, which keeps us closer to Christ, that is important.

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Thanks Dr Bird. Romans 1:5 settles it for me. Paul speaks of receiving grace and apostleship to bring about the "obedience of faith". Obedience flows out from faith. Hence both believing and obeying!

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Yes, I think Rom 1:5 and 16:26 are important book ends to Romans.

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I always welcome a reminder to embrace the "both/and" approach.

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Although I tend to agree, one must never forget that salvation itself rests ONLY on the death of Jesus and his resurrection, as it is that and only that which achieves forgiveness of sins for anyone (as Isaiah was told re The Servant), thus reconciling individuals to God. But as James said, faith without works is dead faith, that is works/good deeds should naturally flow from faith. Faith inevitably leads to obedience and changed behaviour. God have mercy on us all.

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"Because the gospel is - in Wrightonian, McKnightian, and Batian idiom - a summons to allegiance in King Jesus."

Great thought, and I would include "Birdian" (?).

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As "one bird to another", thank you for your courage to post this.

And, as a older bird who lived a youth prior to the non-denominational Megachurch movements, we kids grew up in a liturgical Lutheran church. Three years of Confirmation Class, and then our Confirmation Sunday. During every Sunday service, every class, Jesus was taught to us as our Lord, our King, as well as our Savior. Our faith in God's gracious gift went hand-in-hand with our living a life of obedience to our King of Kings. We were taught to serve Him with joy because of all He had done on our behalf. His imputed righteousness, Father God's amazing gift to us, His agape/love for us... who could resist? (And yet, people do.)

Only in the last 12 months have I come to read works by the late Dr. Michael S. Heiser. In his book "What Does God Want?", the answer to that question is simple: God wants a family, which I've revised to say: "God wants His family back."

In a healthy family, there is allegiance, loyalty, to the family members and to those in leadership who established the family (Mom and Dad). Allegiance and loyalty born out of mutual love for each other.

Why would the gospel of Jesus be any different?

Thank you for giving me opportunity to think this through in this space. You have a new Subscriber today. 😊

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Well said and fully true. 2 sides of the same coin. Heads is grace through faith, and tails is obedience following. All real coins have 2 sides. A one-sided coin does not exist, or simply is not real. So a hyper grace gospel, or a works gospel are both not the real gospel! Paul's "rightly dividing" the Word is the key.

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Well said!!! "So while a Law and Gospel antithesis is not invalid, nonetheless, its concerns need to be met without narrowing the biblical presentation of the gospel which does warn of judgment as well as call people to obey its pronouncement about the person and work of Christ."

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