Yes, and may it dawn upon you!!

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Thank you.

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Great exegesis!

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What time is it Down Under? It's 4:50am here in America. I always get your posts while preparing for the day's message at my church.

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Brad, all my posts are scheduled about two weeks in advance!

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This is a beautiful & helpful exposition of a study I am planning for a seniors chapel this Friday on Ps.27, starting with (v.1) "Yhwh (the living & life giving God) is my light and my salvation, of whom shall I be afraid ...", considering the (revealing, restoring & transforming) light of the truth & grace of God; the beauty/ wonder of God that tranfigures us (v.4c), and the invigorating rest of trust/ hope in him (v.14). Thank you for this meditation & application in Messiah Yeshua, the light of our salvation in the begining of Luke's Gospel.

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