Thanks for writing about Enoch and inspiration. I appreciate your distinctions and am finding that I must adjust how I view the Bible’s inspiration having been brought up Southern Baptist. I think it might be an idol of sorts. I would love it if you did a deep dive into Enoch. Thanks again. Yours is my favorite substack. I devour each post.

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Hi Brad, I have another post due out on 1 Enoch as Scripture (for Ethiopian churches), but a deep divine into 1 Enoch is out of my paygrade.

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Thanks for this post Mike. It seems like a lot of these texts could help as interpretive frames for interpreting the scriptures that are a part of canon.

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When you make the point… “that is simply the logical outworking of a commitment to plenary verbal inspiration, you need to engineer a backstory to make it work”

Is the back story you are referring to in this instance the comment made by Mr. Grudem that “1 Enoch was a custodian of prophetic truth”

If so, then it would seem that we create “categories” to believe the things we want to believe to quote lamin Sanneh

Excellent article

Thank you - Bird :-)

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