Celebrity pastors and massive amounts of money often takes the focus away from God. That is the main reason I do not like Mega churches. They become corporations and are more concerned about the bottom line than teaching the word.

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This is good, especially in looking at church structure and planning. However, it would be good to also dive deeper into why people want to attend multi-site churches. What is the draw? Why did they not choose a church that uses another model? What does it mean for discipleship?

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Yes, I do wonder if it's a supply and demand thing, with emphasis on the demand!

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Perhaps the Australian Anglican Community would do well to look into and explore the Digital and streaming world for the possibility of having its own Television Channel on the Australian VAST Television Satellite, Optus D3. At the moment there are the Seventh Day Adventists plus there are about 6 other Charismatic Christian Channels on VAST and VAST is making big grounds into the Capital City Mission field.. VAST TV covers the entire continent of Australia and was originally intended for the supply of Television Services to the Outback Community. But recently as of March 2023, Optus decommissioned Optus D2 for commercial services and all the Charismatic Christian Channels migrated to the VAST services of Optus D3.. The result was a flood of Christian TV viewers switching and changing over to the new service with replaced Set Top Boxes, Dish re-alignments etc. and now Viewers outside the Metro areas, not only have access to all the commercial channels plus the ABC and SBS, but they now have access to Christian Television as well.. The only Christian Channel that is not yet available on VAST is the Roman Catholic EWTN network. But EWTN will come. So why not an "The Australian Anglican TV" channel ?? .. just a thought ..

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And, one can look to the failings of Gateway, Hillsong, Mars Hill, Acts 29, etc to see the perils of multi-site churches. Not every one but there seems to be a plethora of problems inherent in this model of governance especially when leadership lacks integrity and accountability.

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Very well thought out!!! Thank you!!! Good arguments for reflection!!

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Very well thought out!!! Thank you!!! Good arguments for reflection!!

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Love discussions of ecclesiology. I wonder if the multi-site tech-savvy mega-church of America or Australia has some crucial differences to the small parishes that cannot support a rector sharing a priest. Both are technically multi-site, but I wonder if the growth model or the ultra charismatic pastor make these multisite megachurches a different beast altogether. One seems generally to be manufacturing growth through marketing and church-building strategy, while the other seems to be an attempt to minister where people already are. Maybe the difference is that the mega-multisite churches are, as you describe, so centrally controlled, versus discrete congregations sharing a minister. I don't know if either of those is specifically The Difference, but it seems as though these two scenarios are apples and oranges.

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Katie, I think live streaming for rural parishes who cannot afford a minister is definitely a good idea.

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