Christian History
Nathanael J. Andrade
The Journey of Christianity to India in Late Antiquity: Networks and the Movement of Culture
Philip Esler
Ethiopian Christianity: History, Theology, Practice
Yolanda Pierce
Hell Without Fires: Slavery, Christianity, and the Antebellum Spiritual Narrative
Okay, did the apostle Thomas really bring Christianity to India? What exactly is Ethiopian Christianity? How did Christianity help African-Americans survive the institution of slavery in the south? Stuff I want to read on!
Sam Chan and Malcolm Gill
Topical Preaching in a Complex World: How to Proclaim Truth and Relevance at the Same Time
Always good to brush up on preaching and communication skills and Sam Chan is a brilliant exemplar and teacher in this area.
New Testament and Judaism
Martin Hengel and Anna Maria Schwemer
Jesus and Judaism
Amy-Jill Levine and Joseph Sievers (eds.)
The Pharisees
Okay, these two books could be quite the juxtaposition. I’m a big Martin Hengel fan, but sometimes his descriptions of Judaism are a bit jaundiced by his Lutheran lens. But Hengel was a master of primary sources, perhaps the best German scholar since Harnack and Zahn. However, Levine and Sievers have assembled a great team to understand the Pharisees, not through the lens of Christian stereotypes, but as a Jewish renewal movement that shared much and disputed much with the early church.
Gender Issues
Kathleen Stock
Material Girls: Why Reality Matters for Feminism
Aimee Byrd
The Sexual Reformation: Restoring the Dignity and Personhood of Man and Woman
Stock’s book is considered to be progressive heresy and Byrd’s book I predict will be panned by CBMW. All the more reason to read them!
Theology and Piety
Michael Gorman
Romans: A Theological and Pastoral Commentary
N.T. Wright
On Earth as in Heaven: Daily Wisdom for Twenty-First Century Christians
Yes, I know the last thing we need is yet another Romans commentary. But everything Mike Gorman writes is worth reading. Also, N.T. Wright’s works are full of rich spiritual insights which have been collated by his son Oliver. These two books I hope will be gems.
But hey, tell me, what books am I missing from this list!
Harold Netland's soon to be pub'd Religious Experience and the Knowledge of God: The Evidential Force of Divine Encounters (everyone needs some Phil of Rel in their intellectual diet)
Stock's book has caused no end of controversy over here . . . Enjoy!