Paideia Academy

Hi everyone, this is the Paideia Academy, where I host my online lectures for free sign-ups and paid subscribers to Word from the Bird.

Below you’ll find a variety of lectures and talks on ancient Judaism, biblical studies, systematic theology, church history, Christianity and culture.

Most of these are links to my YouTube videos which are already available for free, but some videos are fresh materials that I’ve especially recorded for the Paideia Academy, for members of the “Aviary.” The premium material has an asterisk.

Check out the list of lectures, talks, and discussions below!

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Note too, that for accredited courses like MDiv, Grad. Dip., or BTh, explore Ridley Online where I teach and tutor world-class units in Bible and Theology.

Second Temple Judaism

The Messianic Apocalypse (4Q521). An apocalyptic text from the Dead Sea Scrolls that expects a Messiah very similar to Luke 7:22-23/Matt 11:5-6.
The Similitudes of Enoch. An apocalyptic text with a lot of similarities to the Gospels and the Book of Revelation.
The Watchers: The Dark Tale of Fallen Angels. Jewish authors often located the origins of evil not in Genesis 3, but in Genesis 6, with the fall of the Watchers.
Introduction to 1 Esdras. A Greek text in the Apocrypha that reflects much of Ezra-Nehemiah from the Persian period.
Introduction to Jewish Monotheism -1. Did the ancient Jews really believe that there was only one God? The answer is, “No.” But the point may be moot!
Introduction to Jewish Monotheism - 2. More on monotheism and monolatry in light of scholarly discussions.

Historical Jesus

Did Jesus Exist? Where I debunk “mythicism,” the view that Jesus did not exist.
Did Jesus claim to be the Messiah? I contend, yes indeed, he did!
Did Jesus Think He Was God? I argue, yes, albeit with some qualifications.


The Son of Man
Who is the Son of Man? I explore one of the complicated and complex christological titles in the Gospels.
Interview with Richard Bauckham. I talk to RB about the Son of Man traditions in the Gospels and 1 Enoch.

The Christ Hymn of Philippians 2
Philippians 2:6-11: Genre and Sources. Is this text a hymn or poem? Is it Pauline or Pre-Pauline?
What does“equal with God” and Harpagmos? I explore two controversial words in Phil 2:6.
What is Kenosis? I explore the meaning of “emptied himself” in Phil 2:6.
Exalted Angels and Subordinationism. Does Paul depict Jesus as a supreme angel and with an emphasis on subordination in Phil 2:6-11?

Pauline Christology
One Lord and One God: Paul’s Messianic Monotheism. A close look at key texts in Paul’s letters about Jesus as divine.
The Colossian Christ Poem. A deep dive into Colossians 1:15-20.

Did Jesus Go to Hell? Did Jesus go to (a) Hell or (b) Hades? I explain which one!


Themes and Theology
Paul and the Faithfulness of God. N.T. Wright and Mike Bird talk about Pauline theology.
What is justification by faith? Exploring one of Paul’s most important yet contested teachings!
Paul’s Way of Life in Christ. Learn why 1 Cor 4:17 is the best summary of Paul’s theology.

A Bird’s Eye-View of Philippians. My lecture on Philippians for NOBTS.

Early Church

Apostolic Fathers
The Didache. An early Syrian manual on discipleship dated from 60-150 AD.
1 Clement. An epistle from the Roman church to the churches in Corinth from 96 AD.
Epistle to Diognetus. An apologetic tract written to commend Christianity to Greeks from ca. 150 AD.
Papias. My interview with Stephen Carlson about Papias of Hierapolis.

6 Things People Get Wrong About Gnosticism. Debunking common myths and misunderstandings about Gnosticism.
What is Gnosticism? A basic description of Gnosis, a Gnostic, and the meaning of Gnosticism.
What Did Gnostics Believe? I map out in plain terms the basic tenets of Gnosticism.
Gnostic Origins Uncovered. Where Did Gnosticism come from and how did it emerge?
Judaism and Gnosticism. Did Gnosticism emerge out of Hellenistic Judaism?
Gnostic Interpretation of the Law. My overview of the Valentinian teacher Ptolemy and his Letter to Flory where he gives a gnostic view of the Law.
Plotinus vs. the Gnostics. The 3rd century neo-Platonist philosopher Plotinus offers a critique of Gnosticism not all that dissimilar from Irenaeus.

Council of Nicaea and the Arian Controversy
Arius, Theologian of a Lesser Son. My video about the Libyan Presbyter Arius and the controversy around his teachings about God the Son in the early fourth century.
The Road to Nicaea.* A history of the events from 318-325, including the Council of Antioch, which took places prior to the Council of Nicaea.

Other Gospels
The Gospel of Thomas is Weird About Women. An explanation of Gos. Thom. 114 which is a very peculiar verse in that Gospel.

Church Fathers
Who was Athanasius?
Who was Augustine?

Why You Should Read the Apostles’ Creed! A primer on the necessity of creeds.
Is the Nicene Creed Biblical? I show how the Nicene Creed is rooted in Scripture.
Jesus, God’s “only begotten” Son. I explore the meaning of “eternally begotten” and divine sonship from the Nicene Creed.
The Athanasian Creed. Some Ridley College students made a great video about the Athanasian Creed.

Patristic Eschatology
Hippolytus on Christ and Anti-Christ. Hippolytus wrote what was in effect, the first Left Behind novel, with his novel reading of Daniel and Revelation.
The Apocalypse of Pseudo-Methodius. A very important Byzantine apocalypse about the rise of Islam and the hope for a Christian king who would defeat the Arab armies.

Systematic Theology

What is Theological Method? My interview with Dr. Christy Thornton on method in systematic theology.
What is Theology? A quick word on “theology” as a promo for my book Evangelical Theology.
The Necessity of Studying Theology. I explain why theology is good and necessary.
What is the Gospel? I set out my definition of the gospel as the basis for Evangelical Theology.
What is “Evangelical” about Evangelical Theology? My lecture delivered at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.

Doctrine of Scripture
Reimagining Biblical Authority. My attempt to explain what biblical authority is and is not.
Clarifying the Clarity of Scripture.* How and to What Extent is Scripture Clear?
Explaining Inerrancy. My contribution to a very disputed doctrine in North America.
Critiquing American Inerrancy Traditions. I show why the American fixation on inerrancy is more tribal than theological.


Was Jesus Buried? Was Jesus buried as the Gospels narrative, or was his body thrown into a mass grave and left as carrion?
The Christian Case for Liberal Democracy. What kind of government should Christians support? Is there something inherently Christian about liberal democracy?

You can also find courses I’ve recorded at Logos Mobile and Seminary Now.

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