Even outside of the US political context, adjectives have been and are added to 'evangelical' - e.g., open, conservative, post-, post-conservative - so it's not a new phenomenon. Certainly, I came across 'post-evangelical' through Dave Tomlinson's, um, <i>The Post-evangelical</i> in the 90s.

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I’ve been calling myself an “orthodox Protestant” for a while now in preference to Evangelical.

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"Evangelical Catholic" works for me, but then I know that for many Evangelicals in my Anglican Church that would never fly--given historic differentiation from "Anglo-Catholics." Might we be able to get away without using any party labels, simply maintaining a fervent commitment to the unity of the church, holiness of life, the catholicity of the church, and the apostolic gospel? Now, where have I heard that quadrilateral before?

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