Hi everyone, thanks for the great questions, I've posted my answers here: https://michaelfbird.substack.com/p/new-video-christians-and-celebrity?s=w

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Who does it well? Who are some Christian "celebrities" that you feel manage the limelight well while keeping the central? Any themes surface in their lifestyles and choices?

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That should read, "... while keeping the Gospel central."

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Yes, good questions. How do we avoid painting with too broad a brush?

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It’s easy for Christian leaders with a microphone and a spotlight to think they are “all that and a bag of chips.” What spiritual practices do you do or would you recommend a leader consistently practicing to mitigate that false narrative?

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Christian celebrities often arise out of a megachurch context. Given the frequent negative consequences and lack of biblical evidence for churches of this size---can we assume that churches should not pursue sizes larger than say 150? (with the assumption this produces fewer christian celebrities)

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