I listened to that incredible debate when we were doing a series on the Trinity at church recently. Ehrman had me rattled- till you took the platform. Thanks for putting in this great effort.
I have questions: How could Jesus be one person and his humanity not know what his divinity would "surely" know? Does the divine Jesus not know when he will return? Has Jesus always submitted to the will of the Father and does submission in any way diminish His equality with the Father?
Your "biographical account of my journey into Jesus-loving scholarship" is worth the price of subscription. OK, even more.
When it comes to Jesus' divinity, the first question that enters my mind is: does the NT provide a narrative that allows for insight into Jesus' self-awareness as divine? As Messiah, or as Son of Man seems evident, but are these convictions ("Daniel 7 is speaking of someone a lot like ME!") stepping stones to self-awareness as divine? Although glad to ponder while reading the gospels, most of the time I think, "Yeah, I'm going to have to learn about that face-to-face at a later date." I still find the question intriguing though. Your thoughts?
I listened to that incredible debate when we were doing a series on the Trinity at church recently. Ehrman had me rattled- till you took the platform. Thanks for putting in this great effort.
My pleasure!
I have questions: How could Jesus be one person and his humanity not know what his divinity would "surely" know? Does the divine Jesus not know when he will return? Has Jesus always submitted to the will of the Father and does submission in any way diminish His equality with the Father?
I'm a huge fan of early Christology having Jesus as God incarnate.
Your "biographical account of my journey into Jesus-loving scholarship" is worth the price of subscription. OK, even more.
When it comes to Jesus' divinity, the first question that enters my mind is: does the NT provide a narrative that allows for insight into Jesus' self-awareness as divine? As Messiah, or as Son of Man seems evident, but are these convictions ("Daniel 7 is speaking of someone a lot like ME!") stepping stones to self-awareness as divine? Although glad to ponder while reading the gospels, most of the time I think, "Yeah, I'm going to have to learn about that face-to-face at a later date." I still find the question intriguing though. Your thoughts?
Hi Peter, thanks glad you like the post. Yes, I do think we can talk about Jesus's self-awareness, in fact, I did a video of that very topic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1QijjSZ3HA&list=PL_4rhC0z_G8s3HDg9XDcw4gUNA09bKyrg&index=7