Thank you so much for this nuanced article! The patriarchal culture has been dangerous and has wrought great evil, but it doesn’t mean all notions of traditional masculinity should be done away with. I like your take on that. It’s important for boys to know that traditional masculine qualities can be good, and used for God’s glory, but also that they don’t have to fit a stereotype of what a man is. You’re definitely right that many truly want to be good, but have no framework for what that looks like as a boy/man other than the extreme emasculation that you described. I’m not your typical action hero type either. I’m like 5’4 130lbs, not a good athlete, and I write poetry and play guitar, but I still recognize that in the ways where I do fit the masculine stereotype, that is good too! It doesn’t have to be either or. And being a man isn’t about abusing, or being a jerk to anyone. There IS a good masculinity that views women as equals and treats them with dignity and respect, but also doesn’t ask men and boys to deny qualities they were made with.

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Noah, thanks for the comment mate. Yes, there's a problem with "Real men do X" just as much as, "Maleness is a Rorschach drawing." We have to discern the practice of good masculinity, good for men, good for men, good for us together, all the more so if one professes faith in Christ.

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Agreed! May the Lord Jesus be our guide.

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That’s some red hair lol - just trying to bring humour.

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