I can't believe there are prophets on YouTube using Exodus 21:1-6 about the slave having his ear pierced out of love for the master and are applying it to this situation!!

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That #Weird.

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One of the things that America politics features, at least in the last two decades, is extreme rhetoric. Calling Trump (and MAGA people) a fascisit, or Hitler, or a Nazi will lead to someone actually believing it. Political violence in American history isn’t an exception, it’s the unfortunate rule. My prayer is that no one retaliates against Biden.

American politics needs a reset and while a civil war may not likely happen it will break up the union I think.

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Genuinely scary waters now.....

How deeply sad it is that people everywhere are so spiritually lost and longing yet the very ones who are called to bear Christs image are running around wearing "Jesus is my Saviour, Trump is my president" shirts.... or liberal revisionist diluting the Gospel to nothing.

How will this all end?

We are Christians only to the extent that we are willing to emulate Christ.... its simple really!

You cant have your bullets and your Bible,

you have to choose one or the other.

What will it be...?

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"The Lord reigns, let the nations tremble; he sits enthroned between the cherubim, let the earth shake". Ps 99.

Lord, have mercy.

Whichever way the elections go, the western democratic world needs a US which is cohesive and not chaotic. Let prayers be raised.

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Mike, well said. I am not quite as convinced that Trump will win the election. I think it will depend on how he conducts himself from here. It may also depend on whether Biden is replaced at the convention.

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I am also a ferocious advocate of liberal democracy, where we resolve our differences with ballots not bullets, where we find a way to live with differences, we acknowledge the necessity of compromise, and accept that sometimes our favored party loses. We can do that because those of us in liberal democracies believe that the things that unite us are stronger than the things that might divide us. No-one should die for attending a political rally, whether a former president, a fireman, a veteran, a nurse, or a black lives matter advocate. ****I APRECIATE THESE WORDS SO MUCH!!!

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If the assasination attempt on dt “seals” his election, we are doomed to another 4 years of violence and violent policies. While violence has many causes, dt has done nothing but promote violence throughout his political life. Republican policies use the violence of lack of access to good healthcare, the horrors of a grossly unfair tax system, and the mistreatment of immigrants and others to further their agenda. Read Project 2025 for a lesson in Republican fueled violence against this country. Simplistic calls for civility simply won’t cut it. The Republicans have reaped the whirlwind

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I agree that it feels like 1968 all over again. Even before the issues that emerged after the first debate and now this last weekend I was expecting some kind of chaos in Chicago like there was 56 years before.

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I no longer have the reference, but I think Stephen Covey in The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People said that the issues of a company's founders become issues that occur throughout the company. Maybe that applies to countries as well?

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"Those who live by the sword die by the sword"??

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#see previous comment … I’m actually a CHRIST follower, not a Chris follower 😝🤪😆

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I really appreciate this article Mike - have just shared it with my hubby, Nige, too. A good reminder of how as Chris-followers we should react to this situation…

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