This article is so good. I write about suffering and the Christian life (upbeat, I know) and so much of what you said resonated deeply. Thank you.

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My pleasure!

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Thank you Michael for stating the reality so clearly. A real encouragement as I read your piece after arriving home from leading a BIble Study and discussion on Romans 7 and feeling despair that its message had not been understood and grasped. Northa

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Thank you for this perspective. We so often take in the notion that it's only on the other side of trauma, defeat, and discouragement that we find victory, as if in the midst of these there is nothing good to be found. You know, just grit our teeth and bear it until the battle is over. However, James suggests that it is in the midst of trials that endurance is gained; not after they're completed. In fairness, though, there is something on the other side of the cross and the cross is also instrumental; just as trials are to endurance. Perhaps we could say that victory may not be experienced from our circumstances, but it can be found in our circumstances because “we know that in [not from] all things God works for the good of those who love him” (Rom. 8:28)? Still, and to your point, we miss something vital to our growth if we only bear up under the difficulties. Thanks again!

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Thank you Dr. Bird for this timely piece. Just had a bible study on how the treasures of wisdom are found in Christ (Col 2), and that "finding them" is through a cruciformed life of selflessness and suffering for His name's sake. God bless you!

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Clear and blunt, the way I like it! I have made a tentative translation of this post to Spanish for personal use. If you are interested, I am happy to make it available to you.

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Dr Bird, great article!! 99.9% preachers love to preach victory as the prosperous life in this world. Thanks for reminding that victory is Gods power in our weakness.AMEN!

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My pleasure!

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