This Week in Word from the Bird
Fleming Rutledge on Preaching. Origins of the Jews War. Ordination Prayer. Participating in the Eucharist. Video on Ignatius of Antioch.
Monday: Review of Fleming Rutledge By the Word Worked (Free Sign-Ups)
My review of Fleming Rutledge’s book about preaching.
Tuesday: Why did the Jews Rebel Against Roman Rule? (Aviary Members)
Why did the Jews rebel against Roman hegemony in AD 66? I look at the various theories and evaluate them to explain the origins of the Jewish War!
Hey, consider becoming a member of the Aviary for the new year, get early access, exclusive material, and premium content!
Wednesday: A Prayer for the Ordering of Pastors (Free Sign-Ups)
I’ve attended a few ordinations recently and it reminded me of this prayer for ordinands in the Book of Common Prayer.
Thursday: Eat and Drink Your Participation in Jesus (Aviary Members)
For members of the Aviary, put your questions in the section below, and I’ll answer them in a live session on substack streaming via Notes at 10:00 p.m. Melbourne time on Thursday 6 March (no idea when that is in European or American time).
Friday: New Videos of the Week (Free Sign-Ups)
The latest episode of Ask N.T. Wright Anything plus open access to my Ignatius of Antioch video!
I sent you a question that I am reflecting on: In what sense/way did Jesus fulfill the Law? Why is there so much debate about Matthew 5:17? *****I look forward to reading your posts every week.