I enjoyed The Lost Letters... on audiobooks. Glad to see it on your list.

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Seeing that list made me realise that I've become a bit lazy. I've ordered How to Read the Bible Book by Book (Fee and Stuart) and Against Liberal Theology (R.E. Olson). I think it's also time to re-read some of the books I already have, including a couple by some character called Mike Bird. :)

I'd love to get The New Testament in its World, but books are expensive in New Zealand. Something to do with being so remote from the main publishing centres, I suppose.

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Reading - The New Testament in Its World: An Introduction to the History, Literature, and Theology of the First Christians. Just finished - The Soul of Desire, Discovering the Neuroscience of Longing, Beauty, and Community (I highly recommend this book). Recently finished - Culture Care, Silence and Beauty, Art and Faith. All must be reread, there is much to analyze and absorb.

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Well, for starters [ and I lead with this in no way hoping for a free renewal subscription :-) ]The New Testament in Its World: An Introduction to the History, Literature, and Theology of the First Christians which has been on my Amazon wishlist since last September...will be buying soon. Found you here when searching for a book that would help me better understand the context/culture of NT and curiosity about this co author of NT Wright lead me to you and then to your substack. seriously.

Also hoping to tackle - in no particular order - the following:

- Timothy Keller: His Spiritual and Intellectual Formation by Collin Hansen

- Jesus v. Evangelicals: A Biblical Critique of a Wayward Movement by Constantine Campbell

- On the Road with Saint Augustine: A Real-World Spirituality for Restless Hearts,by James K.A. Smith

- Open, an Autobiography by Andre Aggasi

- Path Lit By Lightning, the Life of Jim Thorpe, by David Maraniss

- Jesus The King, Tim Keller

- Studies in the Sermon on the Mount, Martin Lloyd-Jones

- Bully Pulpit, Confronting the Problem of Spiritual Abuse in the Church, by Michael J Kruger

- Judges For You - Tim Keller

- The Thrill of Orthodoxy: Rediscovering the Adventure of Christian Faith by Trevin Wax

and if I can get through all that, next on my list will be .....A Snapshot of Bunya Mountain Fungi, Ken Chapman, Mary Mahoney - inspired by your hilarious office of tourism description of the Bunya Mountains at the beginning of the Ridley Chapel sermon on Heb. 12:18

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Greg, wow, that's quite a list. Hope you enjoy NTiiW. I've read some of these. I probably need to read to Agassi bio. There was a great interview with Michael Chang on the disruptors podcast. Glad my sermons inspire something besides yawning.

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Reading, Prone To Wander- Prayers Of Confession And Celebration by Barbara R. Duguid.

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Sounds interesting!

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Goldingay’s book is on my list. Reading gathercole now. Can’t decide if that Watson book has enough new material to buy.

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