I would like to hear more about the Kingdom biblically, theologically and how it is worked out in everyday living. I would also enjoy further reflection on the hard sayings of Christ and difficult texts of Scripture!! Thank you for wanting interaction from us.

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I personally like the mix of topics that I have found here. I’m a theology nerd and as a pastor I’m of course interested in topical issues through a biblical/Kingdom lens.

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This request might be too personal but I have some family members that are reading David Bentley Hart and are toying with Christian Universalism as a viable Christian option. I’d be interested in your “biblical/theological insights” on the subject.

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Write about the eschatological lunacy of the majority of American Evangelicalism. Have you read, Scot McKnights, Revelation For The Rest Of Us? - A welcomed, fresh perspective I might add!

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Yes, read it, Scot does good stuff here.

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Love the “6 things you probably didn't know about…” figures in church history, etc. I did think “maybe he should do 10 v 6” but then I realized that would just be rubbing it in 😂

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I certainly enjoy the 6 things about and Global Christianity

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I've been reading a lot of N. T. Wright recently. You and he collaborated on The New Testament in Its World, which I've found helpful. Getting the context for Jesus and Paul and the NT clarifies so much of the meaning. I would appreciate addressing (1) the varieties of NT scholarship at present and (2) the context and implications for doctrines and texts that may be misunderstood in our time. Thanks.

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Can't see how to respond to this. I'd like more of Biblical and Theology insights. It's nice to see that that's what the majority wants.

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Any/all are cool - especially the history & theology stuff - but the variety is nice. More quick podcasts would be fun.

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I enjoy short podcasts (over 10-15 is too long). And I love the “6 things” best.

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I appreciate your variety of topics including church history and seeing our present world through the lens of living in Jesus' kingdom. It is so easy to lose Jesus, not only in our culture but even in his church! I find what you explore very thought provoking. Thank you.

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I chose ‘Biblical & Theological insights’. Two reasons : to know the bible more and apply it in our lives. As Prof. Tom Wright puts it …giving 21st Century answers to 1st Century questions.

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I like the mix, leaning to theology. I rarely skip over something you write.

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I appreciate your perspective as someone outside the US - I feel as though we are just floundering for leadership and wise counsel right now on all sides. So it’s refreshing to see your take on things. I’m interested in gender in the church, and I love Biblical study/theological musings!

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I voted for "Biblical & Theological insights", but I also appreciate your posts on church history and topical issues (I'm a fan of your book on Christians in secular society).

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I Write as a an elderly, ordinary retired Australian tradie who was born into an Anglican Rectory. I have found that Anglicanism especially evangelical traditional very difficult survive in and eventually end up attending pentecostal mainly to participate with my off spring and watch them thrive from serious outreach to children and families. But I am not accepted because I have lefty trade union ALP leanings. I do understand and believe biblical Anglican teachers of the John Stott, NT Wright 39 articles and Nicene Creed school. I find the Religious Right leanings in aussie biblical churches of concern. Please discuss Australian evangelical churches response to mental health, poor education to ordinary Australians children with learning disabilities and conditions like ADHD, Autism and low level physical disabilities and families trying to exist in low income communities

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