What are we to do with scriptures that seem to indicate some sort of experience of conscious existence between death and resurrection? A few common examples, 1 Sam 28:8-19, Luke 16:19ff (yes, acknowledging it's a parable). Then there's deuterocanonical works like 2 Esdras 7:75-101.

Next question, the video talked about 'soul' (psyche) but didn't address the human spirit (pneuma), which 1 Thess 5:23, as one example, makes a distinction that these are understood as different from one another (recognizing this is a hotly debated passage for this reason). Other passages denote body and spirit, while some, body and soul. In these cases soul and spirit do not always seem interchangeable.

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Good question I’m more inclined to support the idea of an intermediate state where we exist with Christ. For some people such as Joel Green the most we can say is that our life is hidden with Christ, others think it’s a type of soul sleep, and others again believe we are consciously with Christ which is better by far.

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I can't really agree with Dr. Wright's interpretation of "soul". If we take the entire NT and look at all the passages related to spirit, soul and body, and there are many, man does really seem to be tripartite, although an inseparable unified person until the time of our death. After death, for a believer, then as our transcendent spiritual personhood reality, we are with Christ until we receive our new body. But I think one has to say that reality is quite real. That spirit and soul as nouns are actually real.

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